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Film Raider
Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Rants - I’m Back

After long neglecting it, I’m going to attempt (yet again) to update this blog on a regular basis. Who knows, I might even be able to update it daily. I’ve made a few cosmetic changes, including the spiffy new template you see before you. Mind you, I haven’t had an opportunity as of this writing to customize it in any real way. So if it bears a striking resemblance to another 1000 blogs, you know why. Along with the new template comes the ability to post titles along with my posts, which means no more html coding for me. This also means less work, and that translates into me being more likely to post frequently since laziness is a trait that I’m sadly afflicted with. I’ve updated some of my more recent posts to reflect the new title field, but given my afore-mentioned laziness as well as my tendency to procrastinate, I’ve put off updating the rest of the posts in my archives until another day – this pretty much translates into sometime around when hell freezes over. And finally, I’m debating whether or not to continue posting movie reviews here or to confine them exclusively to another blog. I guess time will tell. Thanks to all who are reading this, although given the sparse nature of the updates, I doubt that there are too many of you out there.

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