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Film Raider
Sunday, September 14, 2003

Rants - Hunter

Well, I had enjoyed the two Hunter reunion movies and was looking forward to checking out the return of the series that NBC was promoting would air at 9 eastern on a Saturday night towards the end of last season. I guess some clown at the network thought it might be fun and change the time to an hour earlier at the last minute. Good one bozos. I’m sure that did wonders for the ratings. And it undoubtedly pissed off a lot of people, like me, who ended up missing the show. Bob Hope I caught the Bob Hope tribute special a while back on NBC – this was for his birthday, not his death. I’m not sure how, but NBC managed to screw it up. This was the same week as the Third Watch promos that didn’t pan out and the rescheduled Hunter. Yep, it was one hell of a week for them. Why exactly did the network feel the need to include an overly generous amount of clips of current “stars”, and I use that term loosely, wishing Hope a happy birthday? Most of the so-called stars were from NBC’s own shows, which made the bits all the more cheap. But the killer for me was several Martin Short segments in which he was made up as his annoying Jiminy Glick character commenting on Hope movies. Wow, good way to go out of your way to ruin what should have been a wonderful special. Thankfully, the career of Hope was more than enough to transcend all of the crap NBC felt the need to fill the special with. Third Watch Two For Two For two weeks in a row Third Watch episodes didn’t live up to their promos. NBC must have been trying to set a new record for promising viewers shows that they didn’t feel the need to deliver on in a timely fashion. Oprah’s Close Encounter With A Light Socket I was flipping through the TV channels one day, and happened on Oprah’s new hairstyle. It was the afro from hell. You would think with all of the money that the woman has that she could afford to hire someone to tell her she looks like crap before going on the air. Interesting to note that the next time I flipped by the afro was gone. I guess somebody had the guts to tell Queen Oprah how bad she looked. Poppy’s Puppies Just happened to tune into The View some time back and noticed that the lovely Poppy Montgomery, one of the stars of the show Without A Trace was co-hosting the show. What caught my attention was the extremely low cut blouse that Ms. Montgomery decided to wear on the show. Even better was that she felt the need to constantly lean forward to talk to the other co-hosts. Now I know why they call it The View. If Poppy had just leaned forward another degree or two those suckers would have been out on the table in all their glory. Hey Poppy, please come back and co-host that show as often as possible. Identity Promo When the movie Identity was released the ads caught my attention. It billed itself as the scariest movie since The Ring. Hmm, The Ring was as scary as a dust bunny. No wonder Identity disappeared from theaters so quickly.

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