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Film Raider
Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Rants - War Of The Worlds

Congratulations to Paramount on the crappy website for their upcoming War Of The Worlds. Not only did someone neglect to ad a "skip" button so we wouldn't have to endure the site's painful flash intro, but once you sit through the pointless animation, there is almost nothing on the site. Yeah, sure, the trailer is there, but you can get that just as easily on the Apple website without having to endure any flash crap. If you must go to the official War Of The Worlds site, perhaps for the privilege of handing over your email address so they can send you "updates" (also known as advertising), I'd recommend using the non-flash version of the site. By the way, that's an option I would have liked to have been given when I went to the site. The only reason I even found it is because I never bothered to install flash in my Firefox browser. Here's a little tip to the morons at the Paramount web design team: just because someone happens to have flash installed in Internet Explorer doesn't mean they don't want the option of a plain html site that loads quickly. People go to movie web sites to get information about the movie, not to suffer through some web designer's newest flash-enhanced vanity project.

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