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Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Rants - Heidi Collins

For a while there I was wondering if I was the only one who noticed CNN news anchor Heidi Collins was just plain hot, as well as being a darn good anchor. Her star has risen quickly lately do to her reporting on the Columbia disaster and the Iraq war. Now she is frequently filling Paula Zahn’s old seat on CNN’s American Morning. So apparently I’m not the only one who wants to see more of Heidi on the network. Also During The War
Judy Woodruff reported recently on CNN that there is “now evidence” that Saddam Hussein lived a life of luxury in Iraq. Gee, thanks for that breaking news CNN. I’m glad we all have you guys to point things like that out to us. And I’m even more thankful that you do it such a way as to try to make people think you are passing along information that isn’t already commonly known. The fact that we have all known for years that the guy owns several dozen palaces would never have been a tip off for the rest of us that he was living well. Thank you for doing your part in keeping me informed CNN. If it weren’t for you I would have just kept on believing that Saddam lived like a pauper as he shuttled between his million dollar homes. Stay tuned tonight for a special report on CNN in which they reveal to us that the world isn’t really flat after all. More Amusing War Anecdotes
Another fun CNN story goes along these lines: reporter in the field Walt Rogers decided to share an amusing little anecdote which he though may give anchor Aaron Brown a chuckle. He told of how he and the marines he was embedded with met some Iraqi civilians who wanted to know when they could begin using their own guns to kill Iraqi soldiers. Yep, that’s the punch line kids. He is easily the most bloodthirsty bastard to ever grace a TV screen. Maybe now that this conflict is all over we can ship him and Geraldo Rivera off to an island somewhere where they never again have to encounter members of the human race. Girls Gone To Jail
Joe Francis, the scum bag that makes the Girls Gone Wild videos, is facing 22 criminal charges including filming underage girls. Now I really have no problem with his videos providing the participants are adults. If you want to get drunk and get naked in front of a video camera in the middle of Mardi Gras, that’s your stupidity. But Francis, who has always struck me as a smarmy sleazebag, deserves to rot in jail for a while if he really did film minors.

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