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Wednesday, February 04, 2004

TV News - Galactica A Go?

After weeks of speculation and rumor, the Sci Fi channel took what seems to be a big step towards bringing back Battlestar Galactica as a weekly series. The contracts of the new cast that had been involved in the highly rated miniseries remake of the classic series were set to expire on January 31. Hours before the contracts were to have expired, Sci Fi picked up the options of the cast members involved in the miniseries, which seems to pave the way for them to bring Galactica back on a weekly basis. The Sci Fi network did note that despite picking up the contract options of the cast, a new series has yet to be given a green light. Although The Hollywood Reporter is quoting sources that say production on the show could begin as early as April, and that Sci Fi is looking to launch the show later this year. The Hollywood Reporter also notes that the price tag for each episode could be in the $1.5 million range, making it one of the more expense cable series on TV. When the new Battlestar Galactica miniseries ran on the Sci Fi network in December of last year, it achieved ratings that were among the highest in the network's history.

Rants - More Primetime Skin

I guess ABC was feeling a little left out after CBS’s boob-gate from the Super Bowl. Well, they made up for it last night on Line Of Fire. In a scene from last night’s episode, actress Sarah Thompson appears in a very skimpy bra and thong. In addition to giving us a close-up of her barely covered behind (if you can call a string between her butt cheeks coverage), they also included a couple of shots of her from the front. Apparently nobody at ABC noticed that Ms. Thompson’s thong, in addition to having very little fabric, was also constructed of fairly sheer fabric. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about getting a peek at the lovely Ms. Thompson’s personal grooming techniques down below. But it’s hard to believe that if I, a casual viewer, noticed Ms. Thompson’s waxing preferences that nobody involved in the production of the show didn’t. I’m surprised that I’m the first one (at least judging by a Google search) that took notice of last night’s primetime pubic hair. Considering the brouhaha over Janet Jackson’s right boob, I figured this one would have sparked a little interest. One thing’s for sure, if her panties had just been a tiny bit thinner, there would likely be a Congressional investigation by now.

Movie News - Next X-Men in 2005

In an Interview with a Florida newspaper, The Bradenton Herald, Patrick Stewart says that he expects the third installment of the X-Men series to hit theaters sometime in 2005. The paper also reports that Stewart thinks it is very unlikely that he will return to the big screen in another Star Trek movie due to Star Trek: Nemesis' poor box-office showing. According to the paper, Stewart told an audience at the Sarasota Film Festival that he "thinks Star Trek is over". He went on to add "And that ain't such a bad thing. The last movie didn't do well. ... But I'm sure all you saw it."
Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Rants - Janet’s Right Boob

OK, I get that there were probably a large number of children watching the Super Bowl. I’m also smart enough to realize that Janet Jackson popping out of her costume was no accident despite the dumb-ass “wardrobe failure” explanation offered by Justin Timberlake. Nobody is dumb enough to believe that Janet always wears that much jewelry on her nipple. But come on, is this whole incident really a surprise? We have everyone and their dog expressing shock and outrage that this could happen during a “family oriented” event. Huh? Is this the same family oriented event where grown men tackle each other? Is this the same family oriented event where every second commercial features scantily-clad women advertising alcohol? Anybody that says that they are surprised that this happened at the Super Bowl is either a liar or an idiot. The only thing I’m surprised about is that it didn’t happen sooner. It’s a breast – get over it people. I’m just sorry that we didn’t get to see both of them. Oh well, there’s always next year. As for the poor children who were permanently scarred by the sight of a breast. Well, if a little girl is horrified by a boob, then her parents had better get her into therapy before she starts developing two of her own. On the other hand, if your young boy was shocked by the sight of Janet’s equipment on display, you might want to start preparing yourself now for the day he comes home and tells you that he just got a starring role on Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. Just as an aside, that Sun thing that Janet had bolted to her nipple looked pretty heavy. Wouldn’t that hurt? Especially with all that dancing…

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